
Friday, September 17, 2010

Blogs and me

I have found a new love! Reading Blogs!!!! My first one started out with Kelly's Korner. Another one that I love reading is Mud Pies for Mommies. I love this one because the writer is a friend of mine that I taught with in Texas. They have both inspired me, without even knowing it, to try this. I really want to scrapbook our lives and want to share with my family and friends.
So a little about me:
I grew up on the westbank of New Orleans and moved across the Lake Ponchartrain to Mandeville, La in 8th grade. All through high school I wanted a way OUT of Louisiana. I'm not sure why, but thought that an athletic scholarship would be the way. I played tennis and lots of it so, wanted a tennis scholarship. After visiting many colleges, even going out to California, I decided on Northwestern in Natchitoches LOUISIANA. I know right I wanted OUT, but Louisiana has this great academic scholarship called TOPS that pays all 4 years of your college for free. HOW could I pass that up? I now know that the Lord had this all planned out, of course He wanted me in Louisiana. Long story short: after many partying years, I meet a boy, graduate, move to Texas where he is, start my first teaching job and get married. We lived in Texas for about 1 1/2 years then my husband gets a new job in Many, La. Talk about culture shock for me!!!! In Texas we went out to eat or warmed up leftovers. In Many there is not too much on the restaurants soooo I learned to cook. Many was a hard time for us a couple, 1st year of marriage, being away from family, ME an hour and a half away from the 'city'. After about 10 months we moved to Deville which is where my husbands family lived. I got a job at the local school and everything seemed perfect. During this time we were trying to start our family. Things weren't happening so off to the fertility specialist. Many tests later, one surgery for my husband, one surgery for me and the doctor says to us I don't know why you can't get pregnant. My husband and I had started going to church during all this time. I accepted Jesus as my Savior and formed a wonderful relationship with him. 2 IUI's and fertility meds later I was pregnant. The Lord's timing is just incredible! So things are perfect. I have a wonderful pregnancy, have a great little baby, we buy a house, then the Lord says here's another speed bump. The Lord had been working on my heart for awhile, and I know that He had to do this so I would be prepared. My husband is called to the ministry! Wow! This is a big one. That is where we are now. Trying to live our lives to honor our Lord and Savior. Just wanting Him to lead us and guide us.
Whew that was a lot!!!!!

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