
Saturday, April 16, 2011

It's been awhile!

So sorry it's been awhile. I really want to do this. I have LOTS of excuses, but I'm not even going to start. :)
Well, I went back to work teaching 3rd grade. I found out a few things about myself during this process. #1 being: I want to be home with my babies! I hate hate hate leaving them. Braxton is in a 1/2 day school program and I have seen such change in him. He is throwing more tantrums and having a hard time sharing. I am also nursing the baby and pumping at work is for the birds. Pumping in a public place is just not fun! It is a little stressful with kids knocking on the door, teachers in the lounge where you can hear every word and just finding the time in my busy school schedule. Yuck! BUT I will do it for my baby girl! I'm thinking that is a post for later. And #2 I am definitely a early childhood teacher. I'm not digging the 3rd grade attitudes. I love teaching kindergarten and phonics. Braxton has started learning his letters and sounds. I love how he asks me what words start with. My smart boy!

1 comment:

  1. It's good to see a post. Sorry things are not going well. I know all about pumping at work. It does suck. I did it with Luke, then stayed home after that. Some peope were not to understanding!!! I have been home with the boys for five years now. I have loved it, but ready to go back. They will both be in school next year.

    Hang in there. Things will get better!
